Rule 1: Double Posting
Double post, this means post two or more posts one after another, if you must, edit your post using the edit button. If you do double post, you will be given an infraction.
Rule 2: Profane and Harmful Content
All people that post threads with profanity in the title or within the thread as content itself, will be given an infraction. If seen again doing the same thing, you will be banned.
You are also not allowed post any links containing adult content, death, or harmful files. Doing so, will result in a permanent ban from the forums.
Rule 3: Flaming Others
Do not flame others via the forums, everyone here deserves respect and this is not tolerated. Flaming/arguments will be stopped quickly, and the users engaged in the flame will receive infractions.
Rule 4: Posting Mute/Ban Appeals
Posting mute/ban appeals on the forums, is spamming. It will not be allowed, and doing so will result in an infraction to your account. Please do not post asking why you were muted or banned, or for how long.
Rule 5: Spamming
Any pointless material that is posted on the forums will not be tolerated, it will result in you receiving an infraction, and your thread being closed. Please note that asking for items (donations, items from a hack/scam, etc), mute/ban appeals, and flaming others will not be tolerated whatsoever on these forums. The only place where spam is 'allowed' is in the Forum Games section. Also, threads such as "Woot my post count is X", "Why is the server down?", or "y my acc mutd/bant" will not be tolerated.
Rule 6: Sexual Harassment
Instress does not tolerate this in anyway, both men and women are equal. Please don't joke around too much about this, because some take it very seriously. Depending on the severity, will result in the action taken.
Rule 7: Impersonation of others
There shall be no impersonation of Jagex staff, Instress staff, Runescape members or anybody else. This will result in you being permanently banned from the server, and quite possibly the site. A lot of times helping members will get misinterpreted as staff impersonation. No action will be taken for helping someone out, but saying things such as, "I will mute you" - is considered staff impersonation.
Rule 8: Descrimination
Being discriminative to anyone on the forums, is not allowed. You will be banned for 3 days if any kind of discrimination is in your post, private message, picture comment, etc. This goes for:
* Racism/Xenophobia
* Religious intolerance
* Sexism
* Homophobia/Heterophobia/Biphobia
* Ageism
Just keep it to yourself.
Rule 9: Plagiarism
Anybody caught stealing somebody else's work will have their thread deleted and account banned for 48 hours.
Rule 10: Advertisement / Websites
Any websites that may contain harmful content is banned, websites with appropriate content are allowed in signatures only. If you advertise, you'll be given an infraction.
Rule 11: Grave Digging
Grave digging is an act used by members of a forum to increase their post count. When you grave dig, you post in a topic that is 20-30 days old, and this is unacceptable. With repeated offences, you will recieve an infraction or ban depending on the sevarity of the offenses.
*Moderators have the right to suspend you from posting if you break any of these rules.*